Earn great money from freelance writing.

Tell stories that matter. Write for publications and clients you love. Join 10,000+ aspiring and established freelance writers getting the inside scoop on how to earn more money writing stories and content you feel passionate about (that doesn't burn you out).

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I’ve had my byline appear in a range of digital and print publications like The New York Times and Vogue!

I felt completely out of my depth contacting editors but Lindy provided helpful and effective pitching advice, which I still refer to each and every week. This helped me realise the real hook within each story idea. Since then, my byline has appeared in a range of new digital and print publications – like The New York Times, Vogue and The Sydney Morning Herald – most of which I would have been too scared to pitch without Lindy’s strategic advice.

- Alana Wulff, Freelance entertainment and lifestyle writer

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You're a writer. It’s who you are.

But how can you turn those words into stories you’re proud of?

And how can you turn your writing skills into a micro-business that is joyful and profitable?

The short answer is… by writing articles for magazines you love while also creating content for companies you admire.

The best bit?

You’ll never be bored.

It’s time to get paid well for your writing.

And finally make a living doing what you love.

Freelance friend, this is your year.

Let’s make it your best year yet.

Free Resources

Want to take the next step in your writing career?

Choose your FREE resource below and start ticking off your freelance writing goals!

high paying clients

A simple 3-step process to finding high-paying clients on LinkedIn

successful pitches

Ready to see what goes into a winning pitch that editors can't refuse?

income target

Get the exact spreadsheet that helped me hit $100K/year

freelance article published

The 5 easiest articles to write for magazines and newspapers

A pot of gold: I landed regular, high-paying work!

I really felt in the dark about how other freelancers were navigating the world of corporate work. How were they doing it, and doing it so well? Now I feel like I’ve stumbled upon a pot of freelancing gold thanks to Lindy’s indispensable advice that works. The biggest win I’ve had was landing regular, high-paying work through a copywriting agency.

- Laura Day, Health and lifestyle freelance writer

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laura day1

The Freelancer’s Year has been featured in

imogen kars revised

As someone who has Googled ‘how to be a freelance writer’ for so many years, I pinch myself now - I’ve done it!

I’ve had my work published in my dream publications. I’ve worked with numerous brands that I know and love in my real life, and I have slowly finally started to only work with ethical-only brands. In the six or so short months since implementing the strategies taught in Write Earn Thrive, I rarely ever bid or search for work anymore. Mind-blown!

As someone who has Googled ‘how to be a freelance writer’ for so many years, I often pinch myself when I remember that I did it. I truly believe Lindy’s no-frills, no-crap approach and community support was a big part of that. And I made $80K in my first while working part-time. Stoked!

- Imogen Kars, multi-disciplinary journalist and content creator

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Hi I’m Lindy…

Being a writer was always ‘just a dream’.

I was a social worker for 10 years before I followed my passion and started writing feature articles for magazines and newspapers.

Suddenly I had the freedom and flexibility to work where and when I wanted.

And in my first 11 months of being a full time freelance writer I earned over $100K.

I believe that you don’t have to be a starving artist to be a writer.

You can earn great money and write about things that light you up (as long as you have the right guidance and support).

The best thing anyone ever said to me when I was starting out was, “you can do it.”

So I want to say it to you – You can do this, and I’m going to help you.

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