Category: The Month in Review

December wrap-up and my income for 2017

On the the first of December I decided I would take my foot off the gas, and only pitch stories that I really felt strongly about. Financially, the pressure was off a bit because October and November were such big months and so I started to relax. I had lunch out with my partner and friends, I went for long walks, I started to ride my bike again (hello quad muscles), and I felt rejuvenated. This is my last post for 2017, and one where I outline my yearly income for the year.

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November – the month I hit $100K

There’s no beating around the bush. I’ve had a massive month, and one that tipped my total commissions for the year over $100K. Much of that has been earned through feature writing for magazines and newspapers  – something I never thought was possible. Especially given this is my first year of full time freelancing and until now I have never earned over $20K in a year from my writing.

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October – how my month turned around

Oh October, what did you do to me? By the middle of the month, I felt like I was in a slump. I only had a couple of thousand dollars worth of work commissioned and felt flat and fatigued. But by the last few days of the month, it was a completely different story. 

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September – the month of trying new things

2017 has been a bit of an experiment. This time last year my partner and I had finally decided that I would work as a freelance writer full time and he would be the stay-at-home parent. I promised myself that at the end of each month I would review how I was going – was I pitching enough? Marketing myself enough? Writing articles on topics that fascinated me? Was I happy? Most of all I wanted to make sure that I was trying new things in the writing world and this month I definitely have.

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August – my biggest month yet

You might remember that I entered August in a bit of a spin – I had a heap of work to catch up on after going on a press trip and a family holiday back-to-back in July. In the first two weeks of August I had 11 feature articles for magazines and newspapers due. And the work kept coming. When I tallied up my income, I was stunned. It’s been a bumper month.

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July – the month of surprises

July didn’t quite go according to plan. A few days into the month I had a four-day press trip (or ‘famil’ as they are commonly called) and a few days after that I went away with my family for 10 days. If I had thought more, and prepared more, I wouldn’t have had quite the haphazard month I did have.

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June – my income report after 6 months freelancing full time

For people in the Southern hemisphere, last Saturday represented the ticking over to a new financial year. For me, it also signified the end of my first six months of being a full time freelance writer. I’ve received lots of positive feedback about my monthly reports, so I thought I’d lay it bare for you – this is what my income looks like after six months.

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May – the month where I rested on my laurels

I have been lazy this month. I have felt little inclination to pitch or to chase work. For the second month running I have had editors come to me with articles they want me to write – #freelancedreams, right? But I think it’s going to bite me on the bum in June.

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March – the month I made $10K

I was feeling a bit flat at the end of February. I hadn’t hit my monthly income target and even though I had potential for recurring income, clients were taking a while to get back to me and things were dragging. But three months into the year, I’m starting to recognise a pattern.

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