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6 more great food publications to pitch
Where to Pitch
Lindy Alexander

6 more great food publications to pitch

I’m yet to meet a freelance writer who doesn’t love food. Writing about food is a heaven-match for many people because food writing is so much more than penning stories about ingredients, products or recipes. I believe there’s a food story almost everywhere you look. Food intersects with so many things: politics, waste, cultural appropriation, business, gender, travel … the list goes on. So if you’ve got a passion for food and for writing, here are 6 great paying publications to pitch.

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how to get exactly what you need from interviews
Corporate Writing
Lindy Alexander

How to get exactly what you need from interviews

Conducting interviews is a very important part of being a freelance writer. For me, the best interviews are those where you get exactly what you need in the shortest amount of time possible. These are the interviews where the interviewee feels heard and understood, and where your questions hit the mark. But not every interview goes smoothly, in fact, I’ve had some shockers. Here are my top tips for preparing for interviews and getting exactly what you need.

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this is why there's never been a better time to be a travel writer
Travel Writing
Lindy Alexander

This is why there’s never been a better time to be a travel writer

In the past couple of months I’ve spoken to a number of travel writers and editors and several of them have said a curious thing. That yes, it’s tough being in the publication game in the current climate, and yes, budgets for writers haven’t increased in years. But despite this, these high profile editors and well established writers all told me the same thing. There has never been a better time to be a travel writer. And this is why.

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Meet the Aviation Queen – Benét Wilson

I’m going to call it. This is one of my favourite Q&As with a freelance writer. You know when you interview someone and they are so passionate about their work that you want to do what they do? Well, after this Q&A with Benét Wilson, I actually started wondering if I too could write about aviation. And perhaps more astonishingly, this conversation with Benét almost (almost!) had me reconsidering my anti-niche stance.

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June – a month of saying no

Are you as stunned as me that it’s the end of June already? Each year I set myself goals and targets that I want to achieve and happily, I’ve started hitting lots of them, including ramping up the amount of travel writing I do. This year, almost 80 per cent of the articles I’ve written have been travel related (that may explain the big drop in income!) But this month I’ve had to say no quite a lot – especially to things I really have wanted to do.

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“No matter how much you love your job, you’ll always need some downtime” – Meet Katie Silcox

It sounds like a dream career for a freelancer – writing for big name publications like Conde Naste Traveller, penning guidebooks, working as a photo editor for GQ, creating corporate communications for AMEX, while also fitting in time to volunteer each week. This kind of workload made me wonder how British writer and photo editor Katie Silcox does it all. I asked her in this Q&A, and I think you’ll agree, her responses are fascinating.

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may the month of pitching with few returns
The Month in Review
Lindy Alexander

May – the month of pitching with few returns

Ah, pitching. Most freelance writers I know have a love or hate affair with pitching (and even that may change each week or day). I’ve been lucky in recent years that I haven’t had to relentlessly pitch story ideas to keep afloat, but this month was different. In April I pitched only one story and my income came to me, but my goodness, how things change in the space of four weeks.

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how to get an editor to read your pitch
Feature Writing
Lindy Alexander

How to get an editor to read your pitch

There’s no doubt that pitching is an art, and if I’m honest, despite all the good advice out there, pitching is one of the things that lets so many freelance writers down. Despite what some people may profess, there’s no one single way to make sure your pitches to magazine or newspaper editors hit the mark, but there are definitely ways to increase your chances of your queries getting opened, read and responded to.

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From marketing manager to executive editor – meet Michelle Pini

With my background in social work, it probably won’t surprise you to know that I really admire publications and editors who strive to cover human rights, social justice and environmental issues. Michelle Pini is the executive editor of Independent Australia, an online publication that champions investigative journalism and promotes a diversity of voices. On a personal level, Michelle is generous, funny and open, and professionally she is an incisive, supportive and meticulous editor. I love that mentors new writers, so let’s meet Michelle.

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And how about writing articles for publications you love? What about strategies on how to earn great money from content writing?

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