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December – a quiet month to end a huge year

I don’t know about you, but I feel tired just thinking about 2018. After a full on November, I really eased up this month. I had a fair bit of work to finish off, but I didn’t want to pitch much, knowing that I was headed overseas for three weeks over Christmas and new year. Despite this, it has been an enormous year, and one that has definitely proved to me that you can earn a great income from freelance writing – even working part time.

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how running changed the way i think about my business  
Business of Freelancing
Lindy Alexander

How running changed the way I think about my business  

I have never been a runner. In fact, I’m not really a huge fan of exercise in general. My relationship with exercise has always been sporadic – I’ve played tennis, gone swimming, done a couple of years when I was really into spin classes, dabbled in yoga, but apart from a three month stint when I was 15, I’ve never been a runner. But recently I took up running and had an epiphany that changed the way I look at my business.

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the questions you absolutely must ask potential clients
Business of Freelancing
Lindy Alexander

The questions you must ask potential clients

There’s a lot to think about when you start working with a new client. It’s imperative that you have a clear brief, a detailed scope of work and set deliverables. I’ve found that if you don’t have these from the outset, a productive and stress-free working relationship can be very difficult to achieve.

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November – the month I added to my ‘failure CV’

It definitely feels like we’re reaching the end of the year, doesn’t it? Most writers I know are flat out, having said yes to almost every project that’s come their way just in case things in the new year slow down or get lean. Despite being a pretty good month overall, November had one enormous down for me – one that really shook me and saw me turn off my computer for a few days.

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How to ensure 2019 is your best freelancing year yet

We are only five weeks away from the new year. I’m not really one for new year’s resolutions, but I do love to reflect and take stock on where things are at and think about what the next stage of my freelance writing business might look like. With December and January looming, it’s important to carve out some time to think about your approach for 2019. Here are 4 ways to help make 2019 your best year yet.

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How 5 freelance writers make money by diversifying their business

One of the keys aspects of being a successful freelance writer is diversifying. While that may sound like spreading yourself thin, in fact it’s the opposite. Diversifying means that if one part of your business (like writing for a particular client or magazine) takes a dive, it’s only going to cause a small ripple. But diversification is much more than how many clients you have or the type of writing you do – it’s a whole way of looking at your business, guaranteeing (as much as you can) that you’re not going to be a freelance flash in the pan.

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october my highest monthly income ever
The Month in Review
Lindy Alexander

October – my highest monthly income ever

I am used to work speeding up on the approach to Christmas, but it’s usually November when things start to get really hectic. I feel like November came a couple of weeks early this year and by the end of October, I had invoiced for a crazy amount and had an unbelievable amount of work commissioned. And never in my wildest dreams did I expect that I would be $5K off hitting my income target for the year by the end of the month.

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Want to go on a press trip to Queensland? You need to meet Shelley Winkel

Shelley Winkel is one of my favourite people in the travel industry. She’s the PR and publicity leader for Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ), which means she’s forgotten more about Australia’s second biggest state than most of us have ever known. In this Q&A Shelley shares her incredible knowledge and experience about how freelance writers can work with tourism bodies, what travel writers need to know about how tourism bodies operate, and what you need to do to be considered for a famil or press trip.

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updated the 4 podcasts every freelance writer should listen to
Business of Freelancing
Lindy Alexander

Updated: The 4 podcasts every freelance writer should listen to

I am such a fan of podcasts – in fact, I think the podcast app on my iPhone is the one I use most. I don’t think you can underestimate the power of a podcast – it was listening to Ed Gandia’s podcast that made me realise I could make a living from being a freelance writer. In March 2017 I wrote a post about the four podcasts that I believed every freelance writer should listen to, but two of the podcasts I recommended don’t release new episodes any more, so it’s time for an update.

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the 3 reasons why i don't write for small businesses anymore
Business of Freelancing
Lindy Alexander

The 3 reasons why I don’t write for small businesses anymore

There’s no doubt that many small businesses need freelance writers, and I know some freelancers who specialise in creating content for smaller organisations. When I started out full time freelancing in 2017 I actively pursued small businesses as part of my marketing strategy, but over the last 18 months I’ve learnt that probably wasn’t the wisest decision.

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september a month of ups and downs
The Month in Review
Lindy Alexander

September – a month of ups and downs

September was a bit of a weird month – my press trips were all done, but I had 10 days away with my family at the end of the month. I thought I was being really clever by getting our car hire, some of our accommodation and experiences FOC (free of charge), but as you’ll see, I don’t think this was the smartest move. I also made some mistakes this month with new editors. Well, the one thing I can say is that I’m always learning.

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