Well, we’ve almost made it to the end of 2020.
This time last year I was feeling so weary.
I’d had a huge year with 5 overseas work trips and loads of domestic ones, lots of feature articles and corporate work, and an income that tipped over $100K for the third year in a row.
But one of the most important things I did at the end of 2019 was my annual review and plan.
Now, I’m not going to write a huge post this week because I know that lots of people have already checked out and others are madly scrambling to get everything done before the clock chimes 12.
But just in case you haven’t had a chance to reflect on this year with regards to your business, here’s your chance.
Below are some questions I ask myself as part of my annual review and planning.
It’s so important to take the time to sit down and reflect on the year that was, and to set some intentions for next year.
Because if the pandemic has showed us anything, it’s that we really only have control over ourselves and the choices we make.
So, are you making the right choices and decisions for your business?
These are some of the questions I ask myself at the end of each year:
These are some of the questions I ask myself at the end of each year:
Review questions:
- When I think about the year of freelancing that is about to end, what am I proud of?
- What did I waste time or energy on this year?
- What got the best results for me this year?
Planning questions:
- What do I want more of in 2021?
- By the end of 2021 what do I want to have achieved?
- What do I need to get sorted so my above goal/s can be realised?
- What am I going to say no to in 2021?
- What’s ONE thing I am going to do differently next year?
I think that all these questions are useful, but ultimately, I think there’s one big question we all need to be asking:
- What am I working towards?
So, now it’s your turn.
What are you working towards?
I’d love you to share your thoughts with me.