Watch me review a writer’s pitch (VIDEO)

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watch me review a writer's pitch (video)

Last week’s post was about 3 reasons why freelance writers’ pitches to magazines and newspapers aren’t successful.

This week I want to do something different.

Rather than writing a post about pitching, I’m sharing a video of a pitch review.

I’m regularly asked by writers about how to pitch an article, what makes a successful magazine pitch, and why I think their pitches aren’t being commissioned.

This week you can watch me review a writer’s pitch.

This pitch is from an established Australian writer and author who was having trouble breaking into one of her favourite publications.


You’ll see (and hear) my process for reviewing her pitch, what I think works well and the things I think she needs to work on before she sends it.

Watch me review a freelance writer’s pitch (click the image below)

At the writer’s request, I’ve pixelated any identifying information. 

There’s no doubt that pitching is an art and one that can take a while to perfect.

If you want more support with sending out query letters to editors of magazines, newspapers and digital publications, there are some super resources available. 

What makes a successful magazine pitch? Where to find pitching help

These resources offer some great suggestions of how and where to pitch:

My resources related to successful pitching:

Examples of pitches that were commissioned:

Articles about pitching that I’ve found useful:

Was it useful to see me critique a writer’s pitch? Would you like more video posts like this one?

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14 thoughts on “Watch me review a writer’s pitch (VIDEO)”

  1. Thanks Lindy, that was wonderful to hear the specifics of your thoughts & reasons behind your responses to that pitch. So clear! And it was good to hear your voice! I live in the US with an east coast accent & such a pleasure to hear your lovely accent! You sound exotic from where I stand. Now I will be able to read your posts with your voice in the words.

    • Thanks so much Annette. That’s funny about my voice and accent – I always feel it’s a bit of a shock when you hear someone speak for the first time!

  2. I loved the video Lindy! Thankyou! Reminded me to think more carefully about each specific publication to tailor the type of story to it. (As an aside, have you ever thought of offering pitch reviews by email as a service to add to your suite of mentoring products?) Could be attractive for people who don’t want to spend the full hour of coaching (Although i can vouch that it is money extremely well spent!) or for those who have done your coaching already and want a quick email pitch review? Just a thought! Love your work Lindy

    • Thanks so much Bron. It’s funny that you suggested pitch reviews – I am thinking about how I might be able to offer this for writers who just want a quick ‘tune up’!

  3. Thanks for sharing this, Lindy. So insightful – it was interesting to hear your stream of consciousness assessing this pitch. Please do more of these! Hope you are keeping well..

    • Thank you Laura, that means a lot. I’m always a bit nervous putting myself out there like that! Next … video :O

  4. Thank you Lindy. Nice to place a voice beside the text and a great critique. My takeaway is that you sometimes have to write a bit to get to the kernel/hook.

    • Thanks Richard. Yes, I think you’re absolutely right. Often the real story is buried in the second or third para!


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