Courses & Resources

Free Resources

Want to take the next step in your writing career?

Choose your FREE resource below and start ticking off your freelance writing goals!

successful pitches

Ready to see what goes into a winning pitch that editors can't refuse?

high paying clients

A simple 3-step process to finding high-paying clients on LinkedIn

income target

Get the exact spreadsheet that helped me hit $100K/year

freelance article published

The 5 easiest articles to write for magazines and newspapers

laura day1

A pot of gold: I landed regular, high-paying work within weeks of enroling!

Before I joined Write Earn Thrive, I really felt in the dark about how other freelancers were navigating the world of corporate work. How were they doing it, and doing it so well?

Now, I feel like I’ve stumbled upon a pot of freelancing gold thanks to Lindy’s indispensable advice that works.

The biggest win I’ve had since joining Write Earn Thrive is landing regular, high-paying work through a copywriting agency. This happened within the very early weeks of starting the course.

- Laura Day, Health and lifestyle freelance writer

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Everything you need to grow your freelance writing career - FAST

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Land commissions with your dream publications

Get 12-weeks of guidance, accountability, 1:1 support and motivation in an intimate, small group setting to get the feature writing Breakthrough you really want.

Write Earn Thrive

Land high-paying content clients with Write Earn Thrive

You’re an established freelance writer, and you’re ready to work less and earn more by landing high-paying clients.

This is a 12-month course and community that will give you everything you need to earn a very comfortable living without burning out or working 80-hour weeks.


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foundations of freelance writing

Foundations of Freelance Writing

Get articles published in your favourite magazines or newspapers

You’re dreaming of seeing your name in your favourite publications, but it doesn’t have to be a dream.

Learn the ins and outs of freelance writing with step-by-step instructions on how to find ideas, pitch editors and get paid for writing feature articles.

Travel Writing

Travel the world. Write articles. Get published. Get paid.

You love travelling and you love writing. Why not combine both passions and create a new career?

This in-depth 90 minute training shows you the fastest way to break into travel writing (even if you don’t have experience), how to get free (hosted) trips, how to pitch editors and how to write compelling travel articles.

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Write and Sell a Personal Essay

The quickest way to get an article in top-tier publications without 'experience'

Learn how to write and pitch an article about a quirky, funny, inspiring, powerful, evocative, challenging, revealing, emotional or life-changing experience you’ve had.

Pitch Perfect: Submission guidelines for 250+ publications

Get the inside scoop on exactly what editors are looking for

A comprehensive database with 250+ international publications, their contributor guidelines + pay rates for just $9.

pitch perfect

Feel like you need 1:1 help and attention?

Investment: $3200 (+GST)

I have a limited number of personalised coaching spots available.

I offer 4 weeks of unlimited 1:1 coaching (via voice note and text) Monday to Thursday.

Want to know more? Send me an email with a little bit about you, your specific (or non-specific!) goals, what you think you need support working towards and what you’re hoping to have achieved by the end of our time together.

Write Earn Thrive has really changed things for me.

I now have a clear strategy to achieve my goals. I start my days with fewer feelings of overwhelm.

I’m sending more realistic and higher-charging proposals and having them accepted more often.

I’m using social media sparingly, but more effectively to nurture relationships with prospects that actually have budget to hire me – and I have better systems to measure my progress.

The added bonus of Write Earn Thrive is the inspiring and well-connected community of writers that is there for me whenever I need to mine other writers’ experiences.

I highly recommend Lindy’s Write Earn Thrive.

You won’t find a mentor with more integrity, compassion, connections or experience.

- BRON WILLIS, Environment, science and sustainability writer

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bron willis