Want to learn how to become a travel writer in under 2 hours?

Let me show you how.

travel writing course

As a travel writer, I've had all-expenses paid trips to Sweden, Fiji, Vietnam, Canada, Denmark, the Phillipines, India and more.

I’ve swum with turtles on the Great Barrier Reef, meditated with monks in Chiang Mai, slept in a castle in Jaipur and explored the floating villages of Bangkok on bike.

And I was paid for all of it.

Sound good?

Read on…

My travel writing has appeared in major publications like The Guardian, The Telegraph, AFAR, Travel + Leisure, Escape, Travel + Luxury, Traveller, delicious., Luxury Escapes and loads more.

Clips of Lindy's articles

But here’s the rub.

Since the pandemic, travel and travel writing has changed.

If you’re dreaming of being paid to travel, you need to know how to pitch and write stories that travel editors want right now.

Exploring tiny villages, getting to know the locals, eating regional food, business class flights, VIP access to chefs, luxury hotel stays and indulgent spa experiences are still up for grabs but you need to know how to unlock them

Mountain town
hot springs

And no, you don't need...

You just need someone (Hi, that's me) to show you the fastest and easiest way to get started...

Break into Travel Writing

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I broke into my dream publication - Condé Nast Traveller!

I have been doing freelance travel writing for the last 4 years but have only had a few articles published.

After doing this training, I gave myself  a pitching challenge. I began sending pitches using some of Lindy’s strategies, which were new to me.

Out of the 20 pitches I sent, I got 4 commissions, one of which was in my dream publication, Condé Nast Traveller.

In my last 4 years of travel writing, this is the first time I have received 4 commissions in such a short span of time.

From sending pitches to collaborating with PRs to getting hosted on trips, Lindy’s travel writing course has been a game-changer for me. 


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In this training you'll receive:

1 hour 45 minute pre-recorded masterclass

Go behind the scenes of what it takes to craft compelling story ideas that travel editors can't refuse

Swipe files and templates

See exactly how to pitch editors and what to say to get 'hosted' (free) travel

Travel writing glossary

Know the right words to use when talking to editors and PRs

Pay rates and contributor guidelines

Get the inside scoop into 10+ travel publications who are actively looking for travel writers

PLUS Ongoing access to our active online community and the audio recording of the training, so you can listen any time on your favourite podcast player


I've been published by Australian Geographic!

I cannot tell you how excited I was to see my story published in Australian Geographic – such a prestigious publication!

Lindy not only helped me brainstorm publications that might be interested in the story idea, but she also gave some valuable feedback to refine my pitch to a different targeted publication, after the initial pitch was rejected. During the writing process, Lindy was in the background supporting me with encouraging messages.

If you’re lacking confidence with pitching and wondering if you can write for your dream publications, having Lindy’s expertise and insight makes such a difference.

My dream came true!

- Jennifer Johnston, Freelance writer

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I got my first commission from International Traveller magazine 🎉

This travel writing training really helped me hone my ideas into pitchable stories.

I had lots of ideas but it helped me understand what’s needed to grab an editor’s attention and get commissioned (and also why I was getting rejected!) in this really competitive area of writing.

I also found the practical tips around the finer details, such as what editors expect in terms of photography, invaluable.

After a recent trip to London I watched this training and found myself full of ideas, which led to my first commission from International Traveller magazine.

- Janet Stone, Freelance writer and editor

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janet stone

What other writers are saying...

Break into travel writing.

A training that’s your first class ticket to landing the best job in the world.

Let me show you the path from travel enthusiast to travel writer.

Best training ever - I've just had an article commissioned!

I can’t thank you enough, Lindy.

This travel writing training is the missing link I needed.

I’ve just finished it and I’ve already had an article commissioned.

Thank  you for sharing your insights into travel writing – you’ve joined all the dots for me.

- danielle phyland, travel blogger and writer

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danielle phyland
penny elliot

This training was a game-changer for me!

Lindy, I can’t thank you enough for your travel writing course.

It’s been an absolute game- changer for me, both in terms of boosting my confidence and equipping me with useful tools for pitching to travel publications.

I’m so excited about my new travel writing career and am really pinching myself that I’ve been able to make it a reality!

- Penny Elliot, freelance communications specialist

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Sign Up

There's a spot at the front of the queue for you. Are you ready to be paid to write about your travels?

Enrol now for just $199 USD

By the end of the training you'll be able to...


One month on, I've sent 3 pitches and they've all been accepted!

I have a background in news journalism and spent several years doing content writing and copywriting before moving into freelance feature writing.

Lindy’s Break into Travel Writing course gave me the skills and confidence needed to have a crack at my first travel writing pitch.

I found the training insightful and would highly recommend it to others.

One month on, I’ve had all three of my travel pitches picked up by publications.

I’m so excited about what the future holds and grateful to Lindy for her guidance.

- Melissa noble, freelance content and travel writer

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melissa noble headshot

There's a particular way to pitch travel stories to editors - I'll show you exactly how to do it and what to say

What would it be like to be a travel writer? You could...

Visit countries you've never been

Write travel stories for your dream publications

Explore parts of the world that fill you with joy

Meet extraordinary people

Be guided, step-by-step through the travel writing process, including which publications are looking for travel stories right now.

You're going to get all this + more

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The ultimate training in how to break into travel writing

Learn exactly what goes into becoming a successful travel writer, how to get ‘hosted’ (free) accommodation and trips, advice from 3 top editors (including the editor from BBC Travel) and lots more. 

Comprehensive resource that answers all your travel writing questions

Save yourself days of wondering what certain travel writing jargon means (like FOC and CVB) and find out the best places to pitch your travel stories

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A super-active, super-supportive online community

No tumbleweeds in this community. Ask questions, get inspired. An amazing group full of writers and editors to cheer you on. These are your people.

Listen to the lessons anywhere, any time

Get immediate access to a private audio stream with all the lessons. As soon as you enrol you’ll be sent a special link to download the training in your favourite podcast app.

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Hi I’m Lindy…

Being a travel writer was always “just a dream”.

I worked as a social worker for 10 years before I followed my passion and started writing features for magazines and newspapers. 

But deep down I wanted to break into travel writing.

It took me a few years, but after one travel story, suddenly I was being invited on trips to Fiji, Canada and Thailand.

This is the training I wish I had had when I was starting out as a travel writer. 

It’s practical, simple and based on years of experience.

Are you ready to join me?

This could be you...

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A tourism board has offered me support!

I came into the training feeling downhearted. 

Yesterday, inspired by your training, I reached out to a tourist board.

 They responded today offering to support my planned travel there this summer and also provided me with a list of upcoming press trips and an open invitation if I could get a commission.

 Having the confidence to reach out and knowing what to say has made all the difference! 

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- Jenny Elliott

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I loved it all! This is for anyone who is ‘travel writer curious’.
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- Jane Hultgren

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I now feel confident despite my lack of travel writing experience.

The process was very clear and I liked seeing what editors had to say. 

My biggest takeaway was seeing how I could introduce myself to editors as a new travel writer and have a chance, in spite of my lack of travel writing experience.

I now feel confident, enthusiastic and equipped with clear steps.

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- Sandra Strieby

This could be the start of your award-winning travel writing career.

People always say that travel writing is the hardest niche to break into – but they are wrong (shhhh).

You just need to know how to go about it.

You may already have the travel bug, but let me show you how to turn your passion into words that get you published and paid.


This training just paid for itself!

Break into Travel Writing was one of the most informative and actionable courses I’ve ever taken.

Real advice, pitching guidance and tactics on where to pitch.

It paid for itself within a few months.

I’d recommend this to anyone looking to break into travel writing, but who isn’t sure where to start.

- Jessica McKeil, Freelance technology writer

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Travel the world.

Write about your experiences.

Get paid.

Get published.

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